Exercises to Relieve Knee Stiffness
Before You Begin
Stretching and strengthening the muscles that support the knee is important in order to keep the knee healthy. The muscles not only support the knee, but also absorb shock before it gets to the knee, and help with range of motion.
Before you begin leg exercises, do 10 to 20 minutes of aerobic activity in order to warm up the muscles. Since you are already experiencing difficulty in the knee, make sure the exercise is low-impact, such as swimming or walking.
The quadriceps is the main muscle that affects the knee. Keeping the quadriceps strong and flexible will help relieve stiffness in the knee.
To strengthen your quadriceps, start with leg lifts. Lie flat on your back, bend one knee and place the foot flat on the floor. Lift the straight leg slowly by tightening the thigh muscles. Lift so that the knees are together, and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 to 12 times.
Another strengthening option for the quadriceps is squats. Start with your feet parallel, knees and toes facing forward at hip-distance apart. Bend your knees, allowing your bottom to reach behind you as if looking for a chair. Bend your knees until you reach a maximum of 90 degrees, and less if you experience pain in the knee. Do this exercise in sets of 10 or 12.
You can also stretch the quadriceps by standing on one foot and bending the other knee, holding the foot of the bent knee in your hand behind you. Keep your knees together and hold the position. Hold all stretches for 30 seconds and do not bounce or pull, simply hold the position.
The hamstring is another major leg muscle that helps in supporting the knee and can alleviate stiffness in the knee if properly strengthened and stretched. Walking backward is a very simple way to strengthen the hamstrings; this combines aerobic activity and strengthening in one.
To stretch the hamstring, put one foot out in front with your heel on the floor and toe in the air. While keeping both toes and knees pointing forward, bend at the waist and hang your upper body down over your extended leg. Change legs, holding the stretch for 30 seconds on each side.
Your stiff knee may be a result of another condition, such as arthritis; or it may be that you are recovering from knee surgery. In these cases, be sure to consult with your doctor and/or physical therapist.