Shoulder Instability and Exercises
Seated Dumbbell Flexion
All you'll need for these exercises are two lightweight dumbbells and a physio ball (stability ball) appropriate for your height. Begin the exercise seated on the ball, feet forward, with dumbbells in each hand and arms at your side. Tighten your core and glutes, then raise your dumbbells with straight arms, straight in front of you as if you are placing the dumbbells on a shelf an arm's length from your shoulders. Hold this position, then lower the arms back down to your sides. Repeat.
Seated Ball Dumbbell Scaption
Sit on your physio ball (stability ball) with feet straight, back straight, and dumbbells in each hand at the side of your body. Raise your arms thumbs up, arms wide to eye level as if hanging a large picture on a wall. Once the dumbbells reach eye level, begin to lower them slowly. Repeat.
Seated Ball Abduction
Sit on your ball with toes pointed straight forward and hold your dumbbells in each hand at your side. Tighten your abs and glutes, sit up straight and begin to raise your arms out to your sides. Arms and elbows should be outstretched to shoulder level before returning your arms to your side. It is important in this exercise to keep your elbows soft and not locked. Return arms to your sides and repeat.
Safety Guidelines
To protect the joint and prevent further damage, use a light weight when attempting these rehabilitation-oriented exercises. Stop if you feel any pain or discomfort, especially in the joint. Stop if you feel dizzy or faint with this or any exercise. If you are confused about proper form, ask a certified personal trainer in your local gym as this will prevent injury.