How to Treat Swelling of the Knee
Things You'll Need
- Ice packs or cold packs
- Heat packs or hot compresses
- Elastic bandage or wrap
- Small pillow
- Two or three large pillows
- A cane
- Crutches
Take a break and rest. If a certain activity is causing you pain, stop immediately and rest the joint. It is usually best to place a small pillow or cushion underneath the knee to provide support.
Use cold, followed by heat. The application of cold helps to reduce knee pain and swelling. Using an ice pack or a cold pack for about 10 to 20 minutes can help to reduce both pain and inflammation. Apply the cold treatment at least three times a day. If the swelling subsides after 48 hours, you may start to apply moist heat.
Wrap the knee with a cloth bandage, taking care not to wrap too tightly as this could exacerbate the swelling and cut off circulation. During this time it is best to rest the joint; a bandage will not protect your knee from further injury.
Elevate the limb on a stack of two or three large pillows, ensuring that the joint is resting at a higher level than your heart. It also helps to apply ice to the knee while the knee is elevated.
Use a cane or crutches to take your weight off of the affected joint. These can be purchased from most pharmacies.