Hamstring Rehab Exercises
Performing a Donkey Kick, according to Fitness-Training-At-Home.com, will stretch out your hamstrings. Get into the kneeling position. Lift your injured leg back and keep it straight. Lift the leg as high as possible. Do not move your hips. Squeeze your hamstring. Lower your leg, but do not touch the surface. Repeat. As you progress, you can add ankle weights.
Use an exercise band in your hamstring rehab exercises. Tie the band around a table leg. Slide your injured leg into the band. Face the table. Hold onto the table while pulling your injured leg backwards. Pull your foot toward your butt. Hold that position for a few seconds. Return to original position. A version of this exercise, titled One-Legged Kickback by Shapefit.com, can be done using a cable.
Exercises geared toward strengthening your hamstrings must be included as part of your rehab exercises. A basic exercise involves sitting in a chair with wheels. Sit up straight. You need a flat, hard surface to begin with. Use your injured leg to pull yourself around the room. Your injured knee (on the leg with the hamstring injury) will bend to pull the chair forward. Do not use your uninjured leg. Start by pulling yourself for 1 minute. Increase your time as needed. As you advance, do this exercise on a carpeted area.
Do a prone knee bend. Lie on your stomach. Bend your knee as far as possible. Keep your thigh and hip on the surface. Hold for a few seconds. Return to original position, and repeat.
Isometrics involve contracting your muscles with the purpose of increasing flexibility and strengthening the affected muscles. Perform a basic hamstring rehab exercise by lying on a flat surface (like a bench, couch or mat). Extend your injured leg in front of you. Virginia Mason Orthopedics recommends tightening your quadriceps (thigh muscles) and pushing your knee closer to the surface. Your goal is to have your knee flat against the surface. Hold for a few seconds. Loosen your quadriceps, then repeat.
Another basic hamstring rehab exercise involves sitting in a firm chair. Tighten your quadriceps (thigh muscles) and hamstrings. Hold for 30 seconds. Relax, then repeat.