Exercises for Hamstring Injuries
According to Nismat.org, you can strengthen your hamstrings by sitting upright in a chair with wheels. Do this exercise on a hard, flat surface when you first start doing it. Pull yourself around the room with your injured leg. As you pull yourself, your knee will bend to pull the chair forward. Once you are comfortable with a hard surface, move to a carpeted area to perform this exercise.
If you are interested in using an exercise band, attach one end to a table leg. Slide your injured leg into the band. While facing the table, pull back with your injured leg. Hold. Return to original position. Repeat. Shapefit.com offers an alternative using an exercise band. Stand on the band and kick your injured leg back. When at the height of your movement, hold for one count. Return to original position.
The physical therapy site known as Nismat.org states that you will benefit from hamstring stretching exercise. One such exercise involves standing up and placing your injured leg onto a flat surface. Keep your knee straight. Lean your upper body forward toward your toes. Only bend at your waist. Your back needs to be straight. Hold for 20 seconds. Return your upper body to upright position. Repeat.
Remember that stretching is most effective when your muscles are warmed firstA basic hamstring stretch, known as Good Mornings, involve standing up straight and holding a weight with both hands. The weight amount should be one you are comfortable with. According to Fitness-Training-At-Home.com, bend at the hips. Slowly lower the weight to the floor. Keep your back straight. Return to original position. Repeat.
Contracting your hamstrings will both increase their strength and improve your hamstrings flexibility after an injury (or any time). While sitting in a firm chair, tighten your upper leg muscles. Hold for 30 seconds. Relax. Repeat.
Lay on your back onto a flat surface. Tighten your quadriceps (thigh muscles) as you press your knee onto the surface. This exercise helps to stretch your hamstrings, according to Virginia Mason Orthopedics.