Plantar Fasciitis Toe Pain
Pain Location
The most common type of pain associated with plantar fasciitis is heel pain. However, because the plantar fascia tendon stretches toward the toe, pain can also be felt in this area.
Pain Severity
Toe pain from plantar fasciitis is sharp and most severe in the morning after waking. This pain eases slightly as the day wears on.
Pain Relief
Pain in the toes from plantar fasciitis can be alleviated by taking oral anti-inflammatories (e.g., ibuprofen) and by applying ice to the bottom of the foot.
Stretch and Strengthen
Strengthening and stretching the muscles in the foot and lower leg can help relieve the pressure placed on the plantar fascia, thereby relieving the symptoms.
Resolution Time
Plantar fasciitis can take anywhere from six to 18 months to completely heal, so it is a long process. In the meantime, wearing cushioning shoes can help alleviate toe pain.