Tennis Elbow Remedies
Physical Therapy
Your doctor may prescribe a course of physical therapy for rehabilitating a tennis elbow injury. This plan will include exercises and stretches that slowly strengthen the forearm muscles and add flexibility to your arm in general. You also may have to wear a type of brace or therapeutic bandage for a period of time in order to support your arm's movement. A sports doctor may help you evaluate which specific types of movements caused the injury and can help you adapt your athletic activities so you aren't continuing to perform the same movements
Medical Intervention
For minor tennis elbow injuries, ibuprofen can reduce pain and swelling. Icing the area and elevating it for a time can help as well. For more severe pain, your doctor may prescribe a type of corticosteriod to bring temporary relief. This type of medication can be administered topically or through an injection. If physical therapy and/or medications do not bring relief, you may have to undergo surgery for the problem. Surgical intervention for tennis elbow is rare and only employed if other treatments have consistently failed over a considerable period of time.
Prevention is the best remedy for tennis elbow. Make sure you stretch thoroughly before engaging in athletic activities. Once you begin your workout or game, start at a slower pace and build from there. Use correct form so you don't injure yourself. If you feel discomfort in your arm, stop the activity and give your arm a rest for a few days or until the discomfort goes away completely.