How to Run With a Knee Injury
Things You'll Need
- Good running shoes
Protect Your Knees
Warming up the muscles before a run is important to prevent injuries. More than likely, a knee injury is caused because of insufficient warmup time. Walk for 2 to 3 minutes. Stop and stretch leg muscles. The following stretches are helpful for warming up:
Stretch quadriceps (large muscle on front of leg) by grabbing ankle and pulling up toward your buttocks. Repeat with other leg.
Set legs shoulder-width apart. Bend over and hold on to ankle. Repeat on each leg and in the center as well. This will warm up hamstring muscles (large muscle on backside of leg) and buttocks.
Find a sturdy wall or bar and place both hands on it at eye level. Lunge forward to stretch out the calf muscle. Repeat for each leg.
Remember to hold all stretches for a minimum of 15 seconds each. -
Do not run on a hard surface like concrete or asphalt. This will exacerbate a knee injury. Find a soft surface such as grass, sand or the track at your local high school. Watch out for uneven surfaces. Don't run in a location where the terrain might contain dips or holes or rough patches.
While many athletic shoes are similar in appearance, only designated running shoes are equipped to handle the constant pounding of a run. The shoes made for cross-training, walking and other activities cannot withstand a runner's workout. Look for a shoe that is well padded around the sole and provides support around the ankle to prevent too much ankle movement. Replace shoes once the cushioning has worn out.
Add some variation to your fitness regimen. Attempting to run while knees are sore may cause further injury. Swimming and bicycling are good ways to improve cardiovascular strength while giving the legs a rest. Do not be afraid to take a couple of days' rest from any exercise. This will help a knee injury to heal faster and may make your next running session less painful.