About Ultrasound Treatment for a Rotator Cuff Tear
Ultrasound treatments use a wand-like apparatus called an ultrasound machine that--when pressed against special conductive jelly applied to the skin of the shoulder--releases sound waves that penetrate the skin and reach the tissue of the rotator cuff beneath.
Ultrasound waves increase the blood flow in the rotator cuff area, which speeds up the healing process. The sound waves also reduce swelling, which can be a major cause of pain.
Ultrasound treatments can be administered by doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists. Alternately, an ultrasound machine can be purchased by a retailer and used at home.
Time Frame
At home, most rotator cuff tears require treatment that lasts for 5 to 10 minutes twice daily for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. When performed outside the home, ultrasounds are typically done only 2 to 3 times per week for a longer period of time that varies depending on the severity of the illness.
People who have pacemakers, hemophilia, spina bifida, infections of the rotator cuff tissue, or who have received cortisone injections within 30 days should not use ultrasound therapy. Before beginning ultrasound therapy at home, it is important to obtain the advice of a medical professional.