What Is Kinesio Tape?
All-Day Tape
The Kinesio method of taping places tape on top of and around muscle groups. Kinesio tape can can be used before, during and after activities, and worn for up to three days without harming skin.
Preventative Medicine
The use of Kinesio tape and the corresponding taping method can help relieve muscle pain and prevent injuries. It is also used to increase blood flow to muscles and joints.
Tape Types
Kinesio tape comes in different shapes to help achieve results in different muscle areas. It comes in elongated strips shaped like "I," "X" and "Y," which help the tape cover different-shaped muscle groups.
Muscle Relaxation
Soothing overworked muscles is another use of Kinesio tape. After activities, the tape should be placed on muscle strand with taping starting at the end of the muscle, running back toward the heart.
Muscle Stimulation
Kinesio tape can also be used to strengthen weak or overused muscles. For muscle stimulation, taping is done from the part of the muscle closest to the heart toward the end of the muscle strand.