Exercises for a Knot in the Hamstring
There are many different reasons why knots can occur in the hamstrings. Some of these include mineral deficiencies, dehydration, overtraining and biomechanical issues. Problems in biomechanics are one of the most common causes. This happens when the pelvis is rotating forward while running. This is also called an "anterior pelvic tilt." When it occurs, the hamstrings are in a lengthened state, and when the foot contacts the ground, they receive stress that goes beyond the normal range, which can lead to a knot.
Hamstring Stretch
An isometric hamstring stretch can be done to work out a knot. To do this, place the foot of the affected leg on top of a chair, bench or stool. Place your hands on the opposite thigh, bend that knee and push your butt backward slightly. Then hold the stretch for 30 to 45 seconds.
Lunge Stretch
Another exercise that can be done is the lunge stretch. Place a yoga mat on the floor. Take a big step forward and come down into a lunge position. Place the top of your back foot flat on the ground, and place your hands on the floor on both sides of your front foot. Lower your chest into your thigh, slowly lean forward and hold. Make sure that your knee does not go past your ankle.
Self-myofascial release is a method of releasing knots from muscles with the use of a bio foam roller. Come to a seated position on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Place the roller under your hamstring in the area where the knot is located. Place your other leg on top and then slowly roll back and forth until you find the site of the knot. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds; then roll a little further. Hold again; then roll a little further. Roll and hold several times in the area of the knot until you feel relief (see Resources for foam rolling).
Self-myofascial release can also be done with a medicine ball. It is harder than the roller, and it can offer more pressure.
Another way to treat knots is with a marching exercise. Stand with your feet about hip width apart. Now start marching in place. But instead of just picking your feet up and down off the floor, bend your knees and lift your knees high enough so that your thighs are about parallel with the floor.