How to Treat Shin Splints By Stretching
Step up. Stand on a step or a block of wood on your heels. Alternate stepping down and back up. By doing this, the anterior tibialis muscle is being strengthened and the posterior tibialis muscle is getting stretched which is corrective exercise for shin splints.
Back up to a wall. Stand about the length of your foot away from a wall, with your back to the wall. Lift your toes up towards your shins as high as you can, slowly lean backwards until your shoulders touch the wall, then hold the stretch.
Lift your foot. To put more emphasis on the toe lift stretch, you can also do it on one foot. Start out in the same position as with two feet. After you lean backwards into the wall, lift one foot up and place it flat against the wall. Then lift the toes of the other foot up toward your shin as far as you can and hold.
Walk across the floor. Stand in a normal position with your arms at your sides. Lift up your toes as high as you can, then walk across the floor on your heels. This is a little more challenging then the static stretches.
Go back to the wall. This time stand in front of the wall. Place the balls of your feet against it, straighten your leg and lean forward. You can do this with both feet at once or one at a time.