Exercise for a Rotator Cuff Injury
External Rotations
These are done with a resistance tube attached to a door. The upper arm is tight against the body, the handle is held and the tube is pulled across the body away from the door.
Internal Rotations
Internal rotations are done the same way as external rotations, except the starting point is the extended arm position. The handle is then pulled across the body toward the door.
Face-Down Rotations
A face-down rotation is done on a bed with a light weight in your hand. Come to the edge and hold your arm over with the elbow bent 90 degrees. Then lower the weight up and down by pivoting your upper arm.
Pronated Arm Raise
A pronated arm raise is done with a light dumbbell. Turn the thumb down and extend your arm out at a 45-degree angle from your body. Keep your arm straight and lift the dumbbell up and down slowly.
Downward Facing Dog
Downward facing dogs are done by coming into a plank position, then lifting your hips and shifting your weight back on your heels. This position is then held for 30 to 60 seconds.
Whenever doing rotator cuff exercises, you should use really light weights and never lift over your head.