Achilles Tendon Injury Symptoms

The purpose of a tendon is to connect a muscle to a bone. The Achilles tendon is a strong tendon that connects the heel bone to the calf muscle in the back of the leg. It is the tendon that is most prone to rupture. An injury to the Achilles tendon is a common condition that occurs with athletes.
  1. Two Types

    • Achilles tendonitis causes soreness and stiffness in the leg. An Achilles rupture or "tennis leg" is a tear or rupture of the calf muscle.


    • A sudden snap or a feeling that you are kicked in the back of the leg is a common symptom of Achilles tendon rupture. This is accompanied with pain and swelling in the heel.


    • Suddenly taking up strenuous exercises may strain the Achilles tendon. Activities such as stair climbing, long-distance running and even the side effects of medications like Cortisone (steroid) and Ciprofloxacin (an antibiotic) are possible causes.


    • Injuries require the administration of medications to relief the pain and reduce the swelling. Surgery to repair the injury of a lacerated or ruptured tendon is the most common approach.


    • The key to preventing Achilles tendon injuries is by adding stretching routines to warm up your muscles before exercise. Also wear shoes with proper support and avoid strenuous climbing activities.

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