How to Get Custom Orthotics Shoe for Free
Custom foot orthotics is a cost-effective treatment for many foot and lower extremity conditions, and are often covered by healthcare insurance plans.
Call your health care insurance and find out custom orthotics are covered. If so, find out whether they are covered 100%, 80% or such. There might be year or life time based restrictions on how many pairs you can order.
Make an appointment with a podiatrist that is covered by your insurance plan. Your podiatrist would take a custom non-weight bearing mold of your feet and design orthotics device to control alignment and function of your foot, in order to treat or prevent injury-causing motions such as pronation (rolling-in) and supination (rolling-out).
Your insurance will often allow one orthotics support for running, exercise shoes and a separate one for dress shoes. Women in particular would love the dress shoe arch support. Your podiatrist can custom fit it for your shoes, even for your high heels shoe!
Enjoy the perfect arch support and wonder how you walked without it until now! Best part is, if you were lucky, you didn't even spend a dime on it!