How to Heal an Achilles Tendon Injury
Things You'll Need
- Elastic bandage
- Cold compress
- Heel lift
Rest the leg, and avoid putting any weight on it. Use crutches if you have to. Elevate it whenever possible. The best way to see a swift recovery is to rest the injured leg as much as possible.
Ice it regularly. An Achilles tendon injury can result in a lot of pain and swelling. The best way to remedy this is to ice the injury for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours. Continue this treatment until the pain lessens.
To prevent further swelling and keep the leg immobile, wrap an elastic bandage around the lower leg and ankle to compress the injury.
Use a heel lift. Putting one in your shoes will protect your Achilles tendon from further injury and swelling.
Exercise the injured tendon. Doing stretching and strengthening exercises will help the healing. However, do this only if your doctor recommends it, and don't push it. Take it easy when starting the exercises.