How to Use Athletic Tape for a Sore Ankle
Things You'll Need
- Scissors
- Pre-wrap
Know when to use athletic tape. Athletic tape should be used to support an injured ankle or an ankle prone to injury prior to use that might lead to further injury, such as hiking or walking. Taping is essentially a a method of creating a temporary ankle brace.
Wrap the ankle with a thin athletic tape pre-wrap, from the middle of the foot to about half way up the shin. While this step is optional, the prewrap will keep the athletic tape from sticking directly to the skin and causing pain as it is pulled off.
Wrap a strip of tape around both ends of the pre-wrap to secure it in place.
Alternate putting strips of tape under the heel extending up along the sides of the ankle, and around the back of the heel extending forward along the sides of the foot, to create a base of stability. By alternating the direction of strips, the weave of tape will provide better support. Use about three to five strips in either direction, depending on how much stability you need.
Starting at the Achilles tendon, wrap the tape forward, then around the bottom of the foot and back around behind the ankle creating a kind of continuous figure-eight pattern. Make a few figure eights and then tear the tape.
Finish by wrapping tape around the leg and foot in circles, so that it covers the remainder of the pre-wrap.