How to Diagnose and Treat Runner's Knee
Check for the symptoms of runner's knee, which include pain behind the kneecap or swelling of the knee. You might also experience pain when walking, running or sitting for a long time. You also can hear the popping and grinding noise in the knee.Your doctor will check whether your kneecap is aligned with the center of the thigh and evaluate the muscle strength and flexibility of your quadriceps. An x-ray also can be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.
Rest and stay away from running or any activity that may worsen the injury. Ice your knee for 10 to 15 minutes every 3 to 4 hours.
Elevate your knee by putting a pillow below the leg. Use anti-inflammatory and pain medications to reduce pain and swelling.
Surgery maybe necessary to smooth the cartilage or release the tight structures around the knee cap.
Perform simple exercises to speed up recovery. For instance, put your back against the wall, bend your knees slowly, and hold for 5 seconds. You can also try to step up and step down on a step or a box. This exercise helps to strengthen the quadriceps muscle. Expect 1 to 2 months for full recovery.