How to Remove a Fishhook From the Skin
Things You'll Need
- Protective gloves for the person providing the first aid would be ideal, but often not practical
- Some form of snips if a multi-headed hook is involved
- Antibiotic ointment and bandage if available
- Most likely a tetanus booster when back from the fishing adventure
The first thing you should always do with any injury is check out the injured person and ask how they are doing. For some people, minor injuries turn into major events. For others, they are nothing. Never assume you know how a person is going to react to sudden injury.
Look at the site of the fishhook injury and determine if you can take care of the injury or if you need to get the person to a nearby treatment center.
If you are going to handle the fishhook removal yourself, make sure your hands are washed or as clean as the situation allows. Protective gloves are also ideal, but if none are around, try to establish a "barrier" between you and the injured person with a clean cloth, article of clothing or something else so that you do not come into direct contact with the person's blood or other bodily fluids.
If the fishhook has multiple heads, snip off the hook heads that are NOT embedded in the body.
PUSH, DO NOT PULL the embedded hook through the skin completely. Pushing the hook through will prevent tearing the skin and adding to the injury, which would likely result from pulling it out.
Clean the site as best as possible and place a clean bandage over the injury. Make sure the injured patient receives a tetanus booster ASAP.