How to Strengthen Quad Muscles
Getting Those Quads Strong
Having strong quadriceps is incredibly important to maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle. Your quadriceps are the foundation for your knee joints, and if you have recently had knee surgery, you will know just how important they were, because they will be "gone." Physical therapy for knee surgery always includes tons of quadriceps work.
Begin with straight leg raises. Lie or sit on the floor and compress your quadriceps muscle until your leg is straight and "locked." Make sure you are not using your rear-end muscles, but your leg muscles. Raise the leg straight in the air at least 10 inches and move slowly. Lower the leg until it is about an inch off the floor, but not touching, then raise it again. Repeat this until the leg is trembly and feels a mild burning sensation. This means you have worked that muscle. Keep at this level until the burn subsides slightly, then increase the number of repetitions.
Lie on your side and straighten your top leg. You can either point the toe, or keep your foot straight. Lift the leg toward the ceiling at least 10 inches, slowly. Then lower it, slowly, to about one inch from your other leg. Repeat. Again, do this until the leg is burning slightly and feels weak. Stay at this number until your endurance increases, then up the repetitions.
Lie on your stomach and straighten the leg. Flex your hamstrings and lift the leg up towards the ceiling without bending it. It does not have to be high--a few inches is great. This is a lot harder than it sounds! Repeat the same steps as above.
Doing "wall" squats is another great way to strengthen the quadriceps. Stand against a wall, flat, and slide down, slowly, until you are in a sitting position, then slowly slide back up. Repeat. With these simple exercises, you can really strengthen your quadriceps and make your legs far healthier, and your knees last longer.