How to Prevent Common Hip Hop Dance Injuries
Stretch before and after dancing. Hip-hop dancing is a form of exercise and should be treated as such. Always stretch before beginning to prepare your body for the workout. Allow your body time to cool down after exercising to prevent shocking your joints and muscles.
Listen to your body. Are your ankles unusually sore today? Do your knees ache? Rest when you feel pain to prevent overuse injuries. Gradually increase activities as tolerated.
Use good dance technique. Maintain correct posture and body alignment while dancing. Avoid jerking your neck or slumping your back while dancing.
Wear and use proper equipment. Choose shoes that are comfortable and provide ankle and arch support. Use knee pads and other accessories as appropriate to reduce risk of injuries. Practice tumbling on a cushioned mat to help absorb shock.
Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration increases joint lubrication and promotes overall wellness. You should be well hydrated before beginning to dance.