How to Move an Injured Person
Things You'll Need
- A stretcher, or two strong, stiff poles
- Backpack frame or other stiff object to support the underside of the poles
- Blanket or sleeping bag to create the stretcher bed
Do not move the injured person until his or her bleeding is under control, breathing is stable, and he or she is no longer in shock.
Immobilize any suspected fractures with sticks and fabric tied firmly around the injury.
Tie a blanket or sleeping bag between two strong poles or stiff branches.
Lash backpack frames or other stiff materials in between the poles and on the underside of the improvised stretcher to make it firm.
Use soft materials to pad the bed, and very carefully move the injured person onto the stretcher.
Tie blankets, ropes or other strong materials around the injured person to make sure he or she is firmly attached to the stretcher and cannot fall as it is maneuvered.