How to Treat a Torn Pectoral Muscle
Stop what you're doing! If you're lifting weights, put them down! Don't try to "work through the burn" or chant the "No pain, no gain" mantra. A torn muscle might make a popping sound, or burn profusely. Lifting power is extremely diminished, as is an inability to move the arm or arms, horizontally.
Treat the muscle tear injury with rest and applications of heat and ice. Place an ice pack in a washcloth or dishtowel to prevent direct contact with the skin. Leave the ice on for about 15 to 20 minutes. Follow with an application of heat from a towel warmed in the microwave, or a heating pad set on low.
Limit movement. Avoid using the arm or shoulder on the injured side. Resting the torn muscle is essential for proper healing.
If the tear is severe and the above methods don't provide any relief, a visit to your doctor may be necessary. In some cases, surgery is necessary to repair a torn pectoral muscle.
Even following surgery, full use of the injured chest muscle may be limited and regaining full strength may take months or even years to achieve. In some cases, rehabilitation of the injured area is a painful and lengthy process that may last several months.