How to Tape Shins

Athletes -- especially runners -- have a tendency to tape their shins for the treatment and prevention of shin splints. Shin splints are an overuse injury caused by rigorous participation in sports and exercise. Shin splints cause pain, inflammation and tenderness along the inner edge of your tibia -- or lower leg bone. They can also be termed medial tibial stress syndrome, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Taping can help provide support and pain relief to your shins.

Things You'll Need

  • Pre-wrap
  • Athletic tape
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    • 1

      Prep your leg for taping. Either shave the hair off of your lower leg or apply a pre-wrap. Pre-wrap is a light foam wrap that will not stick to your skin or leg hairs. This makes for easier and pain-free removal of athletic tape when the time comes. To apply pre-wrap, adhere one layer of wrap in a circular motion around your lower leg -- run the tape from just below your knee to just above your ankle.

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      Flex your foot. Your foot should be flexed prior to applying athletic tape to your shins.

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      Apply two pieces of athletic tape. Run the tape up your shin on both sides of the bone. The tape should be positioned just above your ankle and stop just below your knee.

    • 4

      Apply several diagonal pieces of athletic tape. The number of pieces will depend on your leg length. Apply pieces diagonally along the front of your leg. Cover your entire shin and position them very close together.

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      Place an additional two pieces of tape running up your shinbone. Apply the tape along the outer edges of your shin. Tape should run from just above your ankle to slightly below your knee.

    • 6

      Add an additional layer of diagonal strips. This will provide added shin support.

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