How to Rehabilitate the MCL
Things You'll Need
- Pillow or cushion
- Ice pack
- Compression bandage
- Knee brace
- Resistance band
Get clearance from your doctor to begin the rehabilitation stage of your treatment. Follow any recommendations your doctor gives regarding rehab, including applying treatments, performing exercises or seeing a physical therapist.
Limit all physical activity not related to rehabilitation until you are cleared by your doctor or physical therapist to return to normal activities. Doing too much too soon will aggravate your injury.
Elevate the knee above the heart by propping it up on a cushion or pillow. This will help to reduce swelling, as will icing the knee and wrapping it with a compression bandage. Ice no more than 20 minutes at a time, three times per day.
Wear a knee brace when you are mobile. This will give the joint extra stability until the MCL is fully functional.
Strengthen the MCL and the muscles around the knee joint, once you have clearance to do so. Exercise all of the muscles that cross the knee joint; including the quadriceps, hamstrings, hip abductors, hip adductors and calves. suggests starting with wall sits and leg raises and working your way up to squats and exercises with a resistance band.