What Kind of Filling Do You Put in a Homemade Heat Pack or Ice Pack?
Traditional Ice Pack Fillings
Frozen peas can create a simple and effective ice pack. Essentially any cold or frozen item can be used to fill a homemade ice pack. Using a plastic bag as a container, homemade ice packs have traditionally been filled with such items as ice or frozen vegetables like peas and carrots.
Gel Ice Pack Filling
Some people prefer a gel ice pack for treating headaches. Many people find that gel ice packs are superior to more traditional fillings. As with frozen peas and ice, homemade gel ice packs are inexpensive and easy to make. Simply take a resealable plastic freezer bag and fill it with a 1:3 ratio of rubbing alcohol and water, respectively. Gently push the air out of the bag, seal it, and then freeze it for at least one hour. It is also a good idea to add colored dye to the solution, so as to differentiate your gel pack from food items.
Heat Pack Fillings
Dry, uncooked rice works well as filler for your homemade heat pack. Unlike homemade ice packs, heat packs should never be filled with liquid. Instead, dry ingredients such as mineral salt and uncooked grains should be used as a filling. Take a large, clean white sock, fill it with a dry item like uncooked rice, tie off the loose end and microwave for approximately two minutes.
Aromatic Heat Pack Fillings
Lavender releases a pleasant, therapeutic aroma. Many people find that the addition of aromatics to the dry filling in a heat pack adds a powerful soothing effect to the heat. When filling a clean white sock with dry ingredients such as uncooked grains or mineral salt, simply add some of your favorite aromatic. Then tie off the end of the sock and heat it in the microwave. Any aromatic can be used, and should be chosen based on the user's personal tastes. Some popular aromatic fillings are tea, lavender, fresh herbs and cinnamon.