What Are the Treatments for Heel Bone Bruises?
Your heel bone will heal if you stay off it as much as possible. If you need to walk, walk on the ball of the foot and use soft insoles in your shoe for extra cushioning. Keep impact on the heel to a minimum. After the pain is gone, treat your heel gently for at least a week.
Massage the heel with an ice pack several times a day for a few minutes. Gently rub the ice pack over the heel. This will help alleviate pain and reduce the swelling. Cold also slows down nerve impulses, which may alleviate spasms.
Reduce Swelling
Prostaglandin is released at the site of an injury, which produces swelling and increased pain. Keep your leg raised on a soft pillow as much as possible to reduce swelling.
Natural Remedies
Talk to an herbal specialist. There are natural items like parsley that can increase blood flow, which helps your injury heal. St. John's wort and comfrey might help. Try to eat a lot of vegetables containing bioflavonoids, such as green peppers and broccoli; they will assist healing.
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