Treatment & Cures for Sweaty & Smelly Feet
Refrain from any intake of sugar. Bacteria can form on your sweating feet, which feeds on your feet's sweat and creates fungi. Refraining completely from sugar may prevent the development of fungi that cause foot odors.
Zinc Supplements
Take zinc supplements. Supplements provide extra doses of the mineral to balance a possible low zinc level in your body. Take 50mg of zinc supplements for two weeks to treat smelly feet caused by a zinc deficiency.
Dry Feet
Replace wet socks with dry ones and always change your socks after you exercise. Air out your feet whenever possible, including while you sit at a desk. You should expose your feet to air and try to keep your feet dry whenever you wear shoes. Bacteria, which causes odors, thrives in wet conditions.
Wear dry, clean, non-synthetic white socks. The dyes present in colored socks can cause the feet to produce odors.
Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar Bath
Soak your feet in a vinegar or apple cider vinegar bath for 15 minutes daily until the foot odor dissipates. Make a foot bath using one part vinegar or apple cider vinegar to two parts water. Wash your feet with soap and water after the foot bath and dry your feet thoroughly. Pat some talcum powder on your feet after they dry before you put on your socks and shoes.
Tea Bath
Place three teabags in a plastic pitcher and fill the pitcher with boiling water. Allow the teabags to steep. When the tea cools, pour it into a basin and soak your feet in the tea for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure nightly. After one week reduce the soaking schedule to once weekly. The tannins that exist in tea will prevent sweating, kill bacteria and close pores that contribute to foot odor.