How do you twist your ankle?
Walking or running on uneven surfaces: Walking or running on uneven or unstable ground, such as cobblestone streets, hiking trails, or sports fields, can increase your risk of twisting your ankle.
Missteps: Tripping over an object, stepping into a hole or uneven surface, or misjudging the height of a step can cause your foot to roll inward or outward, resulting in an ankle twist.
Sports injuries: Ankle sprains are common in sports that involve sudden changes of direction, jumping, cutting, or pivoting, such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, and tennis.
Incorrect footwear: Wearing shoes that don't provide adequate support or stability, such as flip-flops, worn-out sneakers, or high heels, can increase the likelihood of twisting your ankle.
Fatigue: Tired or fatigued muscles and joints can reduce your balance and coordination, making you more susceptible to ankle sprains.
Previous ankle injuries: If you have a history of ankle sprains, you are at an increased risk of experiencing them again.
It's important to note that ankle sprains can vary in severity, and if you suspect you have sprained your ankle, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.