Care for Twisted Ankle

A twisted ankle often results in a sprain, an injury or tear to the ligaments that connect your anklebones together. A sprain can cause swelling, bruising and pain. A sprained ankle can take a few weeks to a few months to heal. Proper care and treatment can help you heal faster and help ensure that your ankle returns to its full strength once you have recovered from your injury.
  1. At-Home Care

    • After you twist your ankle, rest and try to move the joint as little as possible. Elevate your foot above your heart as soon as possible to prevent swelling. Apply ice packs to your ankle as soon as you twist it and again for 10 to 15 minutes every hour the first day. Ice your ankle every three to four hours for two more days to keep swelling to a minimum. If your skin turns white after icing, stop immediately and talk to your doctor, as this could indicate a cold injury. If you have vascular disease or diabetes, check with your doctor before using ice therapy.

      Make sure your ankle is stable. Wrap the ankle with an elastic bandage or splint to prevent further injury to the ligaments or bones. Make sure the bandage is tight, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation or causes numbness. If you must walk or move around, try using crutches or a cane to steady yourself and take the weight off your ankle.


    • Use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, to alleviate pain and swelling. Acetaminophen can help with pain, though naproxen and ibuprofen are better for relieving inflammation. Make sure to take all medications exactly as directed, and check with your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about dosing or potential interactions with medications you are currently taking.


    • After a few days of rest, you can start gentle exercises to help strengthen your ankle and improve flexibility. Check with your doctor before beginning any exercises. Many injuries do not require you to see a physical therapist, but your doctor may prescribe physical therapy for serious sprains or torn ligaments. Exercises focus on balance and stability so that your injured ankle can begin to support your weight again.

    Other Treatment Options

    • If you do not see marked improvement after several weeks of therapy, your doctor may refer you to a joint specialist to evaluate your ankle injury. Some twisted ankle injuries require you to wear a cast or a medical walking boot so that the joint is completely immobilized. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the joint or ligaments; though this is rare.

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