How to Fix a Sprained Wrist

A sprained wrist is a common injury, especially for those who are active or participate in athletics. Although the injury can be painful, four relatively easy steps can quickly and most effectively treat your sprained wrist.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice
  • Towel
  • Elastic compression bandage
  • Pillows (or other elevation props)
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    • 1

      Rest the injured wrist for at least 48 hours after the injury. Resting the injury is critical and essential to its healing properly.

    • 2

      Apply ice to the injury as soon as possible. Do not apply the ice directly to the skin, but use a towel or other wrapping to hold the ice. Ice that is applied for 20 minutes at a time will reduce swelling and allow for proper blood circulation.

    • 3

      Wrap the wrist with an elastic compression bandage. It should be tight enough to hold the wrist firmly in place, but not too tight as to cut off circulation. The compression will prevent any further aggravation of the injury and ensure proper rest.

    • 4

      Elevate the wrist above the level of the heart. This will ensure that blood does not pool around the sprain and cause swelling.

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