Physical Therapy for a Sprained Ankle
The McKinley Health Center describes the first stages of healing your sprained ankle using the acronym PRICE. Protect your ankle from further injury by immobilizing it with a splint or tape. Rest to avoid all activities that cause you pain. Use ice on your ankle, three to five times a day, for the first three days, to reduce the swelling. Compress the injury on the fourth day, using an elastic bandage wrapped from toe to mid-calf. Elevate your leg throughout by propping it up.
Range of Motion Exercise
On the third day, sit with your knee out in front of you, and then flex your foot back and forth. Don't overdue it; stop if it hurts. Flexing your foot helps keep your ankle from becoming tight from lack of use.
Stretching Exercises
Once the healing progresses and you are able to move around more, start stretching exercises. You should do each exercise 10 times several times a week.
Begin with a calf stretch. Sit with your leg out in front of you. Wrap a towel around the ball of your foot and pull until you feel the stretch. After completing the calf stretch, repeat it with your knee slightly bent to stretch your heel.
Next, stand and place your hands on a wall. Put your good leg in front of you, and the one with the sprain behind and push your heel into the floor. Repeat this exercise, this time with your back knee slightly bent.
Strengthening Exercises
After some time has passed and you are moving around freely, it's time to start strengthening to avoid chronic problems. Do three sets of 20 for each exercise several times a week.
Sit in a chair with your sprained ankle next to a wall. With your feet flat on the floor, push against the wall as hard as you can without letting the chair move. Pushing on the outside of the foot helps strengthen the front of your shin.
Next, still in the chair with both feet flat, press them together. Pressing inward helps strengthen the inside of the shin. Making these areas stronger will take pressure off your weakened ankle and make it less likely to turn so you can avoid injuring it again.
With any injury, you should see a doctor for evaluation. If any of these exercises cause pain, as opposed to mild discomfort, stop and wait a few days before trying again.