Ankle Sprain Rehab Exercises
Restore Range of Motion and Endurance
Apply an ice pack on your sprained ankle for approximately 20 minutes, then remove. Rest your injured ankle over the edge of a table or couch. Use your toe to trace the alphabet with your toe. Perform this exercise three times a day until your regain your ROM. Start endurance exercises after you've regain your ROM. Use a resistance band, approximately 36 inches length. Place the resistance band on the ball of your foot and hold the other end of the resistance band. Pull the band as you use the ball of your foot to push down. Make sure your hold for at least three minutes then repeat about 30 times. Another endure exercise is to place one end of the rubber band on a secure object like a table leg and the other on your forefoot. Pull your forefoot toward your and until you count to three.
Strength Exercises
Perform strength exercises after you can comfortably put weight on your sprained ankle and have a nearly full ROM. Place your ankle against a fixed object like a couch or sofa. Make sure your ankle is in the down and in position. Remain in this position until the count of 10, then repeat for 10 times. Place your ankle against the object with your ankle positioned up and out. Count to 10 and repeat for 10 times.
Place a pillow on the floor. Stand on your sprained ankle on the pillow and unaffected leg in bent. Be sure to hold until your count to 10 then repeat nine more times. Another exercise is to place the resistance band around you unaffected leg and a stable object, then move the unaffected leg back and forward while you stand on your sprained ankle. You want to start slow and become faster for a more difficult work out, according to American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS). If you want a more advanced sprained ankle exercise, swing your unaffected leg behind you then in front of you. Make sure to repeat it 10 times.