How to Help a Twisted Ankle
Things You'll Need
- Ice
- Sports tape or bandage
Rest the ankle for several hours before attempting activity. For a very mild sprain, this may be all that's needed to resume movement. But, if the twisted ankle is more severe, an individual may not be able to put weight on the foot after a short rest.
Reduce activity. For pain that does not go away after a short rest, a person must slow or stop activity for several days or even weeks. If walking or physical activity is needed, a crutch or cane may be used to take weight off the ankle. Mild activity is encouraged as long as it doesn't cause pain.
Apply ice to the ankle to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Ice packs or cold compresses should be used several times a day for up to 30-minutes each time. Frozen bags of vegetables work well if an ice pack isn't handy.
Wrap the ankle in a fitted bandage or sports tape to prevent swelling and to offer additional support. Avoid wrapping the ankle too tightly as this will hinder circulation. If the area becomes numb or begins to tingle, loosen the bandage and wrap it more loosely.
Elevate the leg on a stool, chair or pillows to help with bruising and swelling. The ankle should be elevated above the heart for the best results.
Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Contact a doctor to determine how much and how long medication should be taken. Do not administer medication to children unless directed by a physician.
Contact a doctor if the swelling or pain does not go away within a couple of days as this may indicate a badly torn ligament or a fracture. If the sprain is severe, a doctor may suggest a cast and physical therapy to help the ankle heal. In rare cases, surgery may be required to repair the ankle if more traditional methods do not work.