Homeopathic Treatment of a Sprained Wrist

Whether you are an athlete or a businessperson, a sprained wrist can happen with just a single misstep or movement. Treating the sprain initially at the doctor's office is fine, but when the pain continues at home, you can use natural remedies to provide relief from the sprain symptoms.
  1. Food

    • Reduce swelling in the strain with something edible. Certain foods are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Pineapple, for example, which contains an enzyme known as bromelain, reduces swelling. Other foods can help with healing a sprain because they help to build proteins, which every cell contains and which are necessary for muscle growth and healing. Another homeopathic food remedy for a sprained wrist to try is making wraps and compresses that contain garlic and other herbs that, like pineapple, contain anti-inflammatory substances. The only difference is that with compresses and wraps, the tissues absorb the anti-inflammatory substance from the outside rather than through the body via digestion. Many commercial oils and ointments for sprains also contain plant extracts.


    • Apply arnica ointment to the sprained wrist. This ointment helps to heal bruised tissue. It also is useful at relieving the soreness that can result from the sprain. Arnica also is available in pills that you take orally, so if you do not like the feel of the ointment on your skin, you can get the treatment through ingestion.

    Acupressure and Acupuncture

    • Put pressure elsewhere in the body. The ancient arts of acupressure and acupuncture operate under the belief that balance is necessary in the body and that by activating pressure points, pain in another part of the body can be lessened. Pain from a sprained wrist thus may be alleviated by pressing on the pressure points that correspond to the wrist. The thing to remember with acupressure and acupuncture is that some discomfort is considered to be normal during a session. Because of the idea of balance, pain is believed to heal pain.

    Bryonia and Rhux Tox

    • Take a dose of bryonia. This remedy is made from wild hops. Its chief property is the ability to reduce inflammation, especially when pain occurs with minimal movement. Rhux tox is another herbal remedy to try because of its ability to heal connective tissues such as tendons. This remedy is derived from the poison ivy plant. It's best to use this remedy if the sprain feels better when kept mobile rather than still.

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