Sprained Ankle Symptoms
After you sprain your ankle, it is weaker and not as flexible, which puts you at higher risk for subsequent sprains. Prevention methods lower the risk of subsequent sprains.
You sprain your ankle when you partially or completely tear the ligaments by stretching them too far. The ligament controls the movement in the joint. A sprained ankle typically occurs with an excessive twist of the ankle or an awkward landing on your foot. Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries because they can occur both during normal daily activity and sports and recreational activities.
There are two types of sprained ankles, inversion ankle sprain and eversion ankle sprain. An inversion sprain is when your foot falls inward. It accounts for an average of 90 percent of ankle sprains. With the inward stretch of the ankle the three outer ligaments of the ankle are stretched too far and tear.
An eversion sprain occurs when your foot twists outward and the deltoid ligaments stretch too far. The deltoid is the inner ligament of your ankle. Eversion ankle sprains are the least common and the less painful of the two sprains because your inner ligaments are only slightly stretched beyond their capacity.
There are three grades of an ankle sprain and the level of pain is determined by the sprain grade. A Grade I sprain stretches the ligaments in your ankle and causes pain and swelling. A Grade II sprain partially tears the ligaments and is more severe. There is bleeding under the skin, bruising, swelling and pain if you attempt to walk. Grade III ankle sprains completely tear of the ligaments. If you attempt to walk, you will experience severe pain.
Prevention can lower the risk of future sprained. Always stretch your ankle and calf before exercising. Wear stable, flat shoes for daily activities and for sporting activities wear tightly laced or high-topped shoes. High heal and platform shoes increase the risk of a sprained ankle injury because your foot is off balance.
A great way to strengthen your ankles is to heel walk; stand on your heels and lift your toes up, walking on your heels for three to five minutes.
Because it is so difficult to differentiate between a sprained ankle and an ankle fracture, your doctor may take an X-ray to identify the injury. The two injuries have some similar symptoms such as moderate pain and swelling. In a fractured ankle there may be toe numbness, your foot cannot hold the weight of your leg, and you may have unmanageable pain. You should seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.