What Are the Treatments for Inflamed Ligaments of the Foot?
For mild injuries where a ligament is injured but not torn or severed, treatment can be self-administered. Be sure to allow your foot rest and do not attempt to physically exert an inflamed ligament. When lying down, elevate your foot above the level of your body. Apply an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetable to the affected area to bring down the swelling. Additionally, freezing a bottle three-quarters of the way full of water and rolling it along the contours of your foot will help dull the pain. Be sure to place a paper towel or thin sheet of fabric around your foot when applying ice to prevent frost burn. If it hurts to move your foot, wrap it in athletic tape to keep it immobile.
There are several over-the-counter and prescription medications available that reduce swelling in injured ligaments. For mild cases, Tylenol can dull pain and Ibuprofen can be used to keep inflammation minimal. Seek a doctor's advice before taking higher level painkillers, especially if the ligament is in any way torn or pain does not abate with conventional medication.
If a ligament is severely injured, sprained or torn in any way, consult a doctor or therapist immediately. Surgery may be required to rebuild or replace broken tissue. A cast will likely be required to keep the foot immobile for an extended period of time. Additionally, a doctor may prescribe physical therapy to combat atrophy that occurs as a natural result of injuries like severely inflamed foot ligaments.
Protect foot ligaments before they become injured or inflamed. Wear shoes at all times when running or playing sports. Be sure that your footgear is the proper size for your feet and maintains functional padding in the soles, ridges and heels. Do not ignore discomfort in any portion of your foot, especially if it persists longer than a few minutes. Under no circumstances should you continue to run or apply unnecessary pressure to your feet if they are injured. This can cause further, sometimes permanent damage to ligaments.
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