What is the first aid if you have sprain?
If you think you have sprained your ankle or another joint, follow the RICE method:
Rest. Stop what you're doing and rest the injured joint.
Ice. Apply ice to the injured joint for 20 minutes every hour.
Compression. Wrap the injured joint with an elastic bandage to help reduce swelling.
Elevation. Keep the injured joint elevated above your heart to help reduce swelling.
Additional first aid tips for sprains:
* Avoid putting weight on the injured joint.
* Use crutches or a walking boot if you need to walk.
* Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help relieve pain and swelling.
* See a doctor if the pain is severe, the swelling does not go down, or you cannot walk.
How to prevent sprains:
* Wear shoes that fit well and provide good support.
* Warm up before exercising.
* Avoid walking or running on uneven surfaces.
* Be careful when walking or running on stairs or ramps.
* Avoid overusing your joints.
* Strengthen the muscles around your joints to help support them.