Your ankle is still swollen after 11days of spraining your ankle?
Here are a few reasons why your ankle might still be swollen after 11 days, as well as some tips on how to reduce the swelling:
- Severity of the Sprain: The severity of the ankle sprain can affect the duration of swelling. A grade 3 sprain, which involves a complete tear of the ligament, will likely cause more swelling than a grade 1 or 2 sprain.
- Immobilization: If you haven't been properly immobilizing your ankle with a brace or crutches, this can contribute to prolonged swelling. Adequate immobilization helps to reduce movement and prevent further injury, allowing the ankle to heal.
- Limited Range of Motion: Not moving your ankle enough after the initial immobilization phase can also contribute to swelling. Gentle movement and range-of-motion exercises are important for promoting circulation and reducing stiffness, which can help resolve swelling.
- Insufficient RICE Treatment: The acronym RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Consistently following this treatment plan can significantly reduce swelling and promote healing. Make sure you are getting enough rest, icing your ankle for at least 20 minutes several times a day, using a compression bandage or wrap to reduce swelling, and elevating your ankle above the level of your heart to improve blood flow.
- Underlying Medical Conditions: In some cases, certain medical conditions, such as poor circulation, diabetes, or thyroid issues, can contribute to persistent swelling. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, it's essential to consult with your doctor to rule out any underlying causes.
Tips for Reducing Swelling:
- Continue to follow the RICE protocol.
- Wear a compression bandage or ankle brace to provide support and reduce swelling.
- Elevate your ankle above the level of your heart whenever possible.
- Perform gentle range-of-motion exercises as tolerated to improve circulation and reduce stiffness.
- Apply a cold compress to your ankle for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
- Avoid activities that put weight on your ankle until the swelling has subsided.
If your ankle swelling persists for more than 2-3 weeks or is accompanied by severe pain, bruising, or difficulty walking, it's important to see a doctor for further evaluation. They may recommend additional treatments, such as physical therapy or medication, to help reduce the swelling and promote healing.