Remedies for a Sprained Ankle
Stabilize and Protect the Foot
Once a sprained ankle has occurred, it's important to stabilize and protect the ankle from further injury. Wrap the foot and ankle with an Ace Bandage. If the sprain is severe, a walking boot or splint is often prescribed by the doctor to keep the foot and ankle from flexing so that the ankle can begin to heal.
Rest and Elevation
Resting the ankle is important in the healing process, however, you do not have to avoid all physical activity. During rest time, use a couple of pillows to elevate the foot, making sure to elevate the ankle above the level of the heart. Elevating the ankle keeps fluid from building up, causing less swelling.
Ice packs are often used to help with pain and swelling. When resting, unwrap your ankle. Place an ice pack on the injured area of the ankle. Apply the ice pack for at least ten minutes. If the ice pack is too cold and becomes uncomfortable, lay a piece of thin cloth on the injured area and place the ice pack on top.
Pain is a major factor with a sprained ankle, especially if the ankle is overworked. Take medications such as Advil or Motrin. Both of these anti-inflammation drugs also help with pain and should be taken every six to 12 hours.