Range of Motion Exercises for the Wrist
Hold a tennis ball or rubber ball and squeeze as hard as you can. Hold the squeeze for 5 seconds and then release. Repeat this 12 to 15 times. Switch sides.
Bend the wrist in one direction until just before it starts to hurt. Back off a hair. Stretch the wrist in another direction. Do this until a full circle has been achieved. Work up to 2 minutes for this exercise on each side. Repeat exercise 3 to 4 times a day.
Wrist Flexes
Hold a 6 ounce can of tomato paste. Flex the wrist back and forth 15 to 20 times. Switch hands and exercise the other wrist.
Wrist Extension Stretch
Hold your arm out in front of you. Bend the wrist upwards so the fingers are pointing at the ceiling. Use the other hand and slightly pull the bent hand back. Do not pull so hard that you hurt your wrist. The pull is just gentle pressure. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds. Repeat exercise ten times. Switch sides.
Wrist Flexion Stretch
Hold your arm in from of you. Bend the wrist downwards so the fingers are pointing at the floor. Use the other hand to pull the bent hand back. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds. Repeat ten times and then switch sides.
Wrist Extensions
Lay your arm on a table top with your hand dangling off the edge. Grasp a 1 pound weight. Point your palm downward. Raise your hand upward. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds then lower. Do up to 30 times.
Wrist Flexions
Lay your arm on a table with your hand off the edge. Hold a 1 pound weigh and turn your palm upward. Raise your hand upward. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds then lower your hand. Do up to 30 times.