Pros and Cons of an Ankle Brace for a Sprain

Using a brace is a good idea when you sprain your ankle, but the best brace of all is your own strong muscles. Bracing is one part of the PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) protocol for acute sprains. A brace can support the injured joint and keep you on your feet. The ankle brace comes in two varieties--rigid and compression.
  1. Rigid Brace

    • The rigid brace virtually immobilizes the ankle joint, a special advantage during the first few hours after injury. One drawback is that a rigid ankle brace may not be immediately available.

      The rigid brace comes in various guises. Each design provides substantial side support, which is a good thing. The major disadvantage is that it may mask signs of more serious injury. If you think you need a rigid brace, consult a doctor.

    Compression Brace

    • A compression brace also restricts joint motion, although less than a rigid brace. On the other hand, most homes have one or two on hand. As soon as you can after spraining, wrap your ankle with a compression brace. It stabilizes overstretched or torn ligaments (protect) and helps to limit swelling (compression). As much as you can, keep the brace on for the first 48 to 72 hours.

      The compression brace comes as simple elastic strips, elastic woven into the shape of an ankle, contrivances that lace to adjust compression and toeless pressure socks. It is easy and painless to wrap an elastic strip bandage around a smarting joint.

      Next easiest to apply is the lacing brace, which gives more support than a mere elastic strip, but also is more unwieldy, and may be offered in a variety of sizes. Although available in many drugstores, it is unlikely to be in your home the first time someone pulls an ankle.

      Another type, the shaped, woven brace, may hurt to pull on, but applies pressure at the correct angles for an ankle. There is no guesswork about how to wrap the brace, but, if your ankle is very swollen or your foot is uncommonly large or small, the woven brace may not fit at all.

      The sock-like brace gives very light support, which is not good during the first two to three days of injury. Use it, instead, to avoid re-wrenching your ankle after completely healing. Its outstanding advantage is that it will fit in many shoes. All other braces fit in regular and sports shoes only with difficulty or not at all.

    At the Time of Injury

    • It is recommended not to brace the injured ankle so tightly that you restrict blood flow. Also, do not continue normal activities. An overstretched ligament also requires rest and reduction in inflammation (ice and elevation). Finally, do not keep the brace on while you sleep, unless your doctor advises you to do so, since you may not notice if it is too tight.

    Brace Detrimental?

    • It gets you over the hump of pain and swelling after a sprain, but don’t allow the relative comfort of an ankle brace to seduce you into ignoring signs of further injury. If consistent pain persists beyond a week or two, if red-tinged swelling endures, or if you develop a fever, see a doctor.

      Don’t keep the brace on too long, either. Wearing an ankle brace can become a cycle in which sprained ligaments and surrounding tissues weaken and tighten. This can lead to permanent reduction in range of motion, loss of balance and inflexibility. One or more of these factors increases the chance of re-injury.

      Also, don’t return too quickly to an activity that requires excessive weight bearing (for example, hiking), balance (ballet is one example) or sudden leg twists (like basketball). A brace may make these activities possible, but in the long run, it is better to let the sprain heal first.


    • Take the brace off from time to time after the first couple of days and begin appropriate stretching, strengthening and balance exercises. Chances are your ankle will soon be good as new.

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