How to Do Balance Exercises to Relieve Foot Pain
Begin balance exercises by standing in a doorway. Hold on to the doorjamb very lightly so you don't lose your balance. If you can balance this way easily for 60 seconds, you're ready to move to more advanced balance exercises.
Do a simple forward leg lift by lifting one leg a few inches off the floor and holding it there for five seconds. Repeat the leg lift at least five times. Repeat with the other leg. Hold the wall or a table very lightly for balance if you need to.
Stand next to a wall and grab your right ankle with your right hand while balancing on the other foot. Hold the position for a few seconds, and switch to the other ankle. Once you can balance well, try doing the exercise without holding on, or just touch the wall gently if you need to. If you feel more comfortable with your hands in front of you, do the exercise with a countertop, chair back or table.
Balance on the injured foot and hold your arms out to the side for 60 seconds, and then hold your arms across your chest and hold for 60 seconds. Repeat both exercises with your eyes closed, holding for 60 seconds. Do six repetitions of each exercise every day.