How to Use an Air Cast

An air cast is a flexible yet supportive brace that wraps around the leg to give support against a sprain or a break. Unlike a cast that is set and later removed by a doctor, an air cast is removable. This convenience allows a patient to remove the cast for showering or bathing. The air cast stays put with the use of adjustable fabric that is wrapped around the cast. The fabric allows for adjustments. Knowing the correct way to use an air cast is essential in recovery from injury.


    • 1

      Wash the skin of your leg, foot and ankle. Ensure that your skin is thoroughly dried before application of the air cast. This prevents the air cast from becoming dirty or odorous. Always wear a sock under your air cast.

    • 2

      Grip both sides of the air cast with your hands. Place the heel of your foot on the pad between the two sides of the cast. Ensure that the heel of your foot is supported by the pad.

    • 3

      Press the sides of the cast against your leg. Ensure that the cast is fitted comfortably. Do not press to the point of pain. Loosen the cast if you feel any pain.

    • 4

      Wrap the adjustable fabric around the cast. Adjust the fabric to the point where it provides adequate support. Loosen the adjustable fabric if you feel any pain.

    • 5

      Secure the fabric on the air cast. Remove the cast before showering or bathing.

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