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How to Soak Your Feet in Ice Water for Turf Toe
Turf toe, which causes pain and swelling, is generally a sports related injury. It occurs when the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe is sprained by being bent too far upward, jammed or forcibly flexed during sports such as football. In fact, turf toe is named after the fake grass material that is used in many football stadiums. Applying ice to the affected toe is a common treatment method, as is proper rest and compression with orthotics and elevation. In most cases, turf toe does not require surgery.Things You'll Need
- Large bowl or plastic tub
- Ice
- Water
- Absorbent towel
Spread an absorbent towel across the floor to protect it from water damage if spillage should occur. This towel will also be used to dry off the foot after soaking.
Prepare an ice bath for the foot. Fill a large bowl or tub halfway with cold water. Empty several trays of ice into the cold water to create an ice bath. Place the filled bowl or tub in the center of the absorbent towel.
Submerge the foot in the ice bath.
Remove the foot from the ice bath once the skin becomes numb, and place the foot on the absorbent towel.
Carefully pat the foot dry to avoid further injury.