Foot Products for a Foot Splint Bootie
The original boot night splint has hard plastic sides on the outside with a soft inner layer for comfort. These booties fit against the back of the leg and are especially effective for plantar fasciitis and heel pain, according to NightSplints, which sells the boots on its website.
Dorsal night splints go on the front of the leg with straps for pulling the toes up and stretching the Achilles tendon. NightSplints, which offers dorsal splints, says they are the most common of the night splints. FootSmart also offers a dorsal night splint and claims that the user will see benefits in four to 12 weeks.
You can also get a sock night splint--also known as passive knight splints--that allows you to slip it on easily. It has straps that connect the toes and the ankle, which typically pull the toes back toward the leg. The Strassburg Sock fits this category: designed to treat plantar fasciitis and relieve heel pain. Swede-O also offers some passive night splint products at their online store.