What Is the Most Common Bandage Wrap for a Sprained Ankle or Wrist?
Sprains are identified through visual means and the assistance of medical machinery such as X-rays and MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging). A doctor will determine if a fracture is present and the size and severity of swelling and bruising.
The torn ligaments will be unable to properly support the injured joint. Elastic bandages are used to reinstate the missing support. Elastic bandages allow some movement of the injured joint to reduce stiffness as the ligaments heal.
Elastic bandages are sold in rolls of various widths and lengths. Velcro closures have replaced the metal butterfly closures of the past. Elastic bandages can be purchased as self adhesive, in favorite colors and with organic materials.
Elastic bandages are meant to support an injury, not to immobilize. If the area becomes numb or discolored, remove the bandage and seek a professional opinion.
Elastic bandages are far less restrictive than casts for treating joint injuries. Immobilizing a sprain completely can cause the ligaments to freeze. This is a serious complication reduced by the use of elastic bandages.