What Are TED Stockings Used For?
TED stockings are long socks or pantyhose that put light pressure on your legs. The name TED stands for Thrombo Embolism Deterrent.
The mild pressure exerted by TED stockings helps prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. This is important because blood clots in your legs have the potential to break loose and move to your lungs or brain, where they can cause bleeding or stroke, respectively.
Reasons for Use
Doctors recommend TED stockings for patients who are bedridden due to illness or surgery, those with heart disease, or patients who have already developed a blood clot in the legs or suffered a stroke.
Alternate Names
Alternate names for TED stockings include pressure hose and TED hose. These products are the same as TED stockings.
In addition to preventing blood clots, TED stockings are also effective at preventing spider or varicose veins, according to Spine-Health.com.