Stroke Technology
Time is the most critical aspect in treating stroke patients. A neurologist may not always be available for immediate treatment. Telemedicine has saved countless lives. This system uses an interactive videoconferencing system with web cams connected to a TV or computer screen. Doctors can confer and diagnose the stroke patient from anywhere in the United States, allowing the patient access to the best doctors resulting in a better diagnosis.
tPA Treatment
Doctors recommend that if you think you're having a stroke seek treatment immediately. The sooner tPA (tissue plasminogen activator) is administered the better the chance of recovery. This drug can dissolve blood clots which cause ischemic stroke. The drug must be administered in the first three hours of the stroke in order to be effective.
Imaging Technology
Thanks to improved imaging technology doctors can now diagnose a stroke with greater precision. This leads to better treatment for the patient and a better outcome. These imaging machines can tell the doctors immediately what kind of stroke you have had and what caused the stroke to occur. This technology can tell doctors the extent, location and evolution of any brain damage.
Merci Retriever
The Merci Retriever is an advanced tool that allows neurologists to remove blood clots from the brain. A small puncture is made in your brain, then the Merci Retriever captures the blood clot and removes it. This device can be used on patients up to eight hours after the onset of a stroke. Full recoveries are not uncommon when this device is used.
Robotic Technology
Researchers are discovering that stroke patients can recover even six months after the onset of a stroke. The researchers used a new robotic grip device to help chronic stroke patients have success in rehabilitation. The device is used with computer game technology that is devised specifically for patients with hand and arm disabilities.
The H200 is a palm-sized electronic device that can deliver a mild electrical charge to the hand. This device is small enough to fit over a patient's hand. A microprocessor can be programmed by the physical therapist to guide the patient through a series of exercises to improve hand control.
Computer Technology
Computer treatment systems can be used with a desktop or laptop computer. The software can be used by the patient independently or with a physical therapist. It has been found that this software can help patients redevelop his language skills.