Electromagnetic Stroke Therapy
In the course of treatment for debilitating strokes, a large device called the Magnetic Molecular Energizer (MME) may be able to help. Used on neurological conditions which have been untreated, the MME device has been effective in trial studies. The MME device may be an appropriate alternative method, although this treatment is still involved in research studies.-
If interested, contact one of the clinics run by the Advanced Magnetic Research Institute (AMRI). The AMRI has three clinics located in North Carolina, Ohio and Washington. These AMRI clinics carry approved pilot studies in the U.S., which function under the direction of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) and follow guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Results from these clinics are filed with the FDA in order to obtain approval for MME treatment of strokes and other conditions, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, injuries, multiple sclerosis and diabetic neuropathy.
MME Device
If MME treatment is applicable to your condition, you will undergo a high number of hours (anywhere from 100 to more than 300 hours in 20 to 30 days is common) with the MME device. The device uses a high direct current of electromagnetic fields. The device consists of two very large and strong electromagnets. The increase in magnetic force on the atoms which compose the cells in the body results in an electron transfer. This electron transfer improves chemical reactions, which can dramatically heal the body, according to MME theory. According to the AMRI, a bone fracture may be healed in only a few days, which would normally require six to eight weeks to heal.
Results are not well-known in MME treatment. According to the AMRI, many people are healed with this method of treatment. Dr. Dean Bonlie (see References) attests to the strides of treatment of some of his patients, who are stroke victims and were not able to be healed according to normal methods of treatment. Of course, the AMRI is aware that this method will not always be effective. If you choose to engage in MME treatment, you should be aware that this new treatment is still in a research trial stage.